
Clothing Swap Party Tips: Arranging the Ultimate Gathering

Want some new clothes but don’t want to spend a lot of money – or any at all? Love a good party? Why not arrange a clothing swap party? In this article, I’ll go over the details of how to arrange the ultimate clothing swap party. As a frugal living expert and lover of shopping

Featured image for the Hoarder Cleaning Checklist article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a woman wiping down a picture.

A Hoarder Cleaning Checklist: The Guide to Reclaiming Your Space

It’s already several months into the year – or maybe even later on in the year – and you’ve made a commitment to clean up your home, but it hasn’t happened yet. You aren’t alone. Do you feel that you own way too much stuff and you’re feeling overwhelmed about cleaning up your space? You’ve

Featured image for the A Checklist for Decluttering Your Home article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a person mopping a floor while another person is writing on a checklist.

A Checklist for Decluttering Your Home: What You Need to Include

You’re finally ready to live a happier and simpler life by purging your home of what you no longer need. You’re wondering, “How do I start decluttering?” You’ve come to the right place. In this article, I’ll go over an essential checklist for decluttering every room in your home. Whether you’re a hoarder or not,

Featured image for the The Five Stages of Hoarding and How to Stop Bad Hoarding Habits article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a person using a spray bottle to clean a table with their left hand. The person is wearing a yellow glove on their right hand.

The Five Stages of Hoarding and How to Stop Bad Hoarding Habits

Worried about how much stuff you own and struggle to get rid of your possessions, even when they’re crowding up your limited space? Hoarding is a serious problem. Do you wonder if you have a hoarding issue? Learn about the five stages of hoarding, how they progress from bad to worse and how you can

Featured image for the Decluttering a Room in 30 Minutes article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of two piles of clothing with signs in front of them. One has 'Keep' written on it and the other has 'Donate' written on it with a red heart drawn.

How to Declutter a Room in 30 Minutes

Busy and want to declutter your home quickly? Here’s my quick and easy guide on how to declutter a room in 30 minutes. Believe it or not, a lot can be done in a short period of time! Read on to learn about how to declutter a room in 30 minutes. Why Is Decluttering Your

Featured image for the Decluttering Tips for Hoarders article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a home full of personal belongings.

Decluttering Tips for Hoarders

So your home is chock-full of junk. Papers, old electronics and old CDs from 2003 litter each and every corner of your living room. It’s time to get rid of some things and stop hoarding. Let’s go over the top decluttering tips for hoarders so you can live a more peaceful life, save money and

Featured image for the Decluttering Clothes: Enjoying a Minimalist Wardrobe article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a woman sitting on the floor in front of an open closet. The woman has her hands raised.

Decluttering Clothes: Enjoying a Minimalist Wardrobe

It’s Monday morning and you’re late for work. You pull open your closet doors, only to have a pile of clothes fall out. How can you prevent this from happening again? Decluttering clothes from your wardrobe can help you in many ways, including enjoying a simpler, less stressful lifestyle and even saving money. Read on

Featured image for the Decluttering a Garage: The Guide to Cleaner Storage Spaces article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a brightly lit garage full of personal items.

Decluttering a Garage: The Guide to Cleaner Storage Spaces

The snow has finally melted and it’s time to pull out the bikes from the garage. You open the garage door and see all the stuff you own. Suddenly, you are hit with a sense of overwhelm from piles of trash and clutter. Decluttering a garage or other major storage space in your home can

Featured image on the Decluttering Your Home Checklist article on the Frugal Fun Finance. Features image of a minimalist, brightly lit living room.

Decluttering Your Home Checklist

The time has come to do a deep clean of your home. You have a lot of stuff that needs to go so you can declutter your home. What should be included on a ‘decluttering your home checklist?’ In this article, I’ll go over the top tips and steps to decluttering each room in your

Featured image for the Decluttering Checklist: Save Money and Live Simply article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a woman's hands putting clothing into a box.

Decluttering Checklist: Save Money and Live Simply

Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff you own? A decluttering checklist can help you get organized, feel more at peace and even help you save money in the long run. Decluttering your home and office is an essential part of frugal living and minimalism that everyone should consider doing. Read on to learn