Frugal Eating

Featured image for the Frugal Meal Planning Guide: Save Money and Eat Well article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of various meals in glass jars in front of a bright yellow background.

Frugal Meal Planning Guide: Save Money and Eat Well

This is the year you’re committed to eating well while on a budget. How can you do this? Easy – frugal meal planning! In this article, I’ll go over how you can start meal planning to save money and eat better. The tips I’ll share have saved me over $4,000 over the course of four

Featured image for the How to Stop Eating Out and Start Saving More Money article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a woman and boy and girl cooking in a kitchen.

How to Stop Eating Out and Start Saving More Money

You’ve spent the last month enjoying many meals out with family, friends and business partners. From business lunches, birthday dinners and happy hours, you look at your bank statement and see that you’ve saved nothing this week! Learning how to stop eating out, or at least, drastically cut down on restaurant dining, will help you

Featured image for the How to Eat Out on a Budget article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of various plates of food at a table. There are two people helping themselves to the food.

How to Eat Out on a Budget

When filling your stomach with healthy and delicious foods, grocery shopping and cooking is almost always the most frugal option. However, we all need a treat every once in while, including the occasional trip to a favorite restaurant. By committing to frugal money saving tips when dining, it is possible to eat out on a

Frugal Grocery Shopping and Cooking

Looking for frugal hacks to save money on your grocery bill? By committing to frugal grocery shopping and cooking, it’s possible to save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars a year on your groceries and meal prep. Read on to learn about frugal hacks in the grocery store and the kitchen. What is Frugal Living?

Featured image for the Frugal Meal Plan article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a meal planning chart beside tomatoes and a container full of grains and vegetables on a white marble counter.

How to Make a Frugal Meal Plan

Food is a major part of anyone’s expenses. Each year, we spend thousands of dollars just to keep our stomachs full. If you’re like millions of other people, you’re looking to save money while still eating well. Is it still possible to eat well and save money in this day and age? You’ll be happy

Featured image for the Frugal Family Meals article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a family of three laughing and smiling at a kitchen counter with vegetables and other foods on it.

Frugal Family Meals: Preparing, Planning and Cooking for Success

Do you have a busy family and are looking to make and cook meals that are filling and healthy? Creating a grocery list, shopping and preparing frugal family meals meals takes time. However, in the long run, you’ll save money, all while maintaining a healthy diet! Let’s go over how to plan, shop and prepare

Featured image for the College Meals Cheap article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of three college students sitting at a table, smiling and eating. There is a man and woman smiling and a man with his back to the camera.

College Meals Cheap: The Ultimate Guide

College – one of the best and most exciting times in our lives! If you’re a student or a parent of a college student, I’m sure you’re minding your wallet – especially in the kitchen! How do you plan for, prepare and eat college meals cheap? Frugal healthy meals aren’t just for the busy, single

Featured image for the Cheap Food to Buy When Broke article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a person holding a grocery list over a shopping cart full of fruit and vegetables.

The Best Cheap Food to Buy When Broke

Are you tight on money this month and are wondering about the best cheap food to buy when broke? Maybe you’re in a single-income household, are in between jobs, or you’re a college student who is tight on money. As we all know, food is an essential part of our lives that we cannot skip

Featured image for the Cheap Foods to Buy article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of various fruits, beans, nuts and meat on a white background

Cheap Foods to Buy: Filling and Healthy Staples for your Kitchen

On a budget and unsure what the cheapest foods to buy are? Good news: there are tons of cheap foods to buy that will fill you up and keep your wallet full as well. Plan ahead, choose frugal foods so you can make really cheap meals and stay consistent. If you stick to these tips,

Featured image for the Frugal Meals article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a person chopping red pepper on a cutting board.

Frugal Meals: Save Money and Enjoy Delicious Dishes

Are you a busy person looking to save money on groceries and and make frugal meals? I’m sure you’ve seen the cost of living continue to rise. If you’re anything like me, you’re looking to save money while still enjoying tasty dishes. Did you know that you can save money on food all while still

Image for the Super Cheap Meals article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of meals in glass containers and juice on a counter

Super Cheap Meals: Frugal Living Made Easy

What we eat can be one of the major and most expensive parts of daily living costs! While the cost of living seems to keep rising, it might seem difficult to get a handle on what you spend at the grocery store! If you’re anything like me, you’re always looking for deals and sales without

Featured image for the Compare Supermarkets Prices article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a person pushing a cart beside a grocery store aisle. The person is wearing a red sweater.

Compare Supermarkets’ Prices: Apps to Save You Money

There are many ways to be frugal and save money. One major way to do this? Compare supermarkets’ prices and shop for the lowest-priced items using apps. While it may seem to make the most sense to just go to the cheapest grocery store, not all items are the cheapest at one particular store. Taking