Featured image for the Money Affirmations article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a notebook, pen and flowers on a white desk.

Money Affirmations: 100 Positive Phrases to Integrate Into Your Life

In life, your mindset is everything. This especially applies to your finances. If you’re looking to increase your income, find a new job or income source or simply become more confident in your finances, you should be regularly reading and saying money affirmations to yourself. In this article, I’ll review 100 different money affirmations I’ve personally written down in my journal and regularly review. These affirmations of abundance helped me pay off over $20,000 in student loans and save up over $10,000 for long-term travel and a move abroad in late 2022. In addition to achieving my financial goals, I developed a general increased sense of confidence in my ability to acquire wealth.

Read on to learn about the top money affirmations to reflect on.

What are Money Affirmations?

Money affirmations are positive statements about you and your relationship to money. Phrases and statements vary but generally reflect on your ability to acquire wealth and seek out opportunities to make money. While we live in an imperfect society where millions of people are unable to seek out resources, many people can acquire wealth. The biggest factor holding them back is their mindset!

Why Is It Important to Meditate on Money Affirmations?

This is where money affirmations come into play. When you have a positive mindset, you’ll feel a lot more motivated to work towards your goals and make sacrifices to get where you want to be financially.

Blog image on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a Black woman sitting on a couch and writing in a journal.
Money affirmations help you stay positive and motivated to achieve your goals.

How to Integrate Financial Affirmations Into Your Life

Before I get into the top money affirmations you should reflect on, let’s review how you can make them a regular part of your life. Personally, I spent 3 months reflecting on 100 money affirmations, which I’ll list below. I chose 1 new affirmation every day that I:

  1. Wrote down in a journal
  2. Reflected on by reading and thinking about
  3. Thought about how I would practically apply it to my life. For example, what changes would I make to my budgeting situation and what types of people would I begin surrounding myself with?

3 Months of Money Affirmations

Below are my favorite affirmations to manifest money and achieve my financial goals. I chose them because they’ve personally helped me stay on track with my investing and saving targets. Additionally, they’re common phrases that have helped me not only keep a positive mindset, but showed me practical ways to achieve financial success. I’ve divided them into three sections so you can reflect on one per day for 90 days and have thrown in 10 more phrases as a bonus.

Blog image on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a Caucasian woman sitting at. adesk and typing on a laptop. There is a black phone and pen on the desk.
Choose one money affirmation per day to reflect on. If you’re feeling it, choose a second that day.

Month 1 Money Affirmations

  1. I can handle massive success with attention and care.
  2. I transform the world with my wealth.
  3. I become wealthy by doing things I love.
  4. I am creating a hopeful future.
  5. Money comes to me.
  6. I can handle huge amounts of success easily.
  7. I deserve to make more money than I ever thought possible.
  8. I deserve to have a cash reserve of savings.
  9. I feel a sense of peace in having wealth.
  10. I deserve to generate more wealth.
  11. I am open to both giving and receiving money.
  12. I attract money easily and with little effort
  13. I love my life and everything it provides me with.
  14. I give off vibes of wealth and prosperity.
  15. I think about money in a positive way.
  16. It is healthy to achieve the goal of earning as much money as possible.
  17. My best interests are always kept in mind.
  18. Money positively benefits both me and others in my life, both friends and strangers.
  19. I am open to accepting and receiving money.
  20. There is money out there for me to go and get.
  21. The more I give, the more I receive.
  22. I am thankful for the money I have.
  23. It is safe for me to earn an abudance of money to benefit others.
  24. Money is my friend to me.
  25. I can handle large amounts of money.
  26. It is acceptable for me to be wealthy.
  27. I deserve the wealth I want.
  28. The more I focus on happiness, the more money I can make.
  29. My income exceeds what I ever imagined possible.
  30. My financial situation can improve beyond anything I could ever imagine.

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Month 2 Money Affirmations

  1. My income is going up quickly.
  2. Money comes to me in both expected and unexpected ways.
  3. I release all barriers that hinder me from attracting money.
  4. I am connected to the money supply.
  5. I can confidently handle large amounts of money.
  6. I welcome new ways to earn money.
  7. I deserve financial success.
  8. I love my rich, positive and financially free life.
  9. I am debt-free because I manage my constant stream of income.
  10. I am generous and giving with my money
  11. It is acceptable for me to enjoy my money.
  12. I am in control of my riches.
  13. I enjoy handling money and money enjoys coming to me.
  14. There are enough resources in the world for me.
  15. I am a money magnet.
  16. I attract large amounts of money into my life.
  17. It is acceptable for me to be the primary income earner in my family.
  18. I am worthy of a financially wealthy life.
  19. I have a positive mindset surrounding my finances.
  20. I attract money with little effort.
  21. I easily achieve my financial goals.
  22. Every day, I choose a wealthy mindset.
  23. I am thankful for the money that comes to me.
  24. It is acceptable for me to be financially secure.
  25. Everything I touch turns into gold.
  26. I forsake any negative energy I have over money.
  27. I control my finances.
  28. Wealth and abundance come to me.
  29. I am incredibly deserving and wealthy.
  30. I am in control of my finances.
Blog image on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a Black woman standing and counting money in her hands. The woman is wearing gold jewellery and a black t-shirt.
Focus on consistently reflecting on money affirmations and you’ll be well on your way to success.

Month 3 Money Affirmations

  1. Money comes to me in different ways.
  2. I am thankful that I can contribute my money to the economy.
  3. I am worthy of prosperity and riches.
  4. Money is openly flowing and coming to me.
  5. I am financially free.
  6. I have everything I need to achieve success.
  7. I am a great giver and an excellent receiver.
  8. Attracting money is easy for me.
  9. I am open and receptive to receiving money.
  10. I spend money on what’s important.
  11. I am the master of my finances.
  12. I am open to receiving money.
  13. Money allows me to live a fruitful and enjoyable life.
  14. My ability to hold and grow money expands every day.
  15. It is acceptable for me to be wealthy.
  16. My wealth brings me great happiness.
  17. My finances improve beyond my wildest dreams.
  18. I am grateful and thankful for all the money I have.
  19. Money positively impacts my life.
  20. If others can achieve financial wealth, so can I.
  21. I have everything I need.
  22. I am able to handle large amounts of money.
  23. Abundance is all around me, in every aspect of my life.
  24. I am worthy of financial richness.
  25. Money helps me experience much freedom.
  26. I am at peace with the idea of having a lot of money.
  27. I am the master and money is my servant.
  28. I can attract wealth.
  29. I am an excellent manager of my money.
  30. Money is abundantly and eternally available to me.
Blog image on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a pile of various American dollar bills on a black background.

10 Bonus Money Affirmations

  1. I believe that a positive mindset will help my achieve great welath.
  2. I know in my heart that I can be wealthy.
  3. Money and I can live in harmony.
  4. I welcome unlimited income into my life.
  5. I let go of anything holding me back from achieving wealth.
  6. There are no limits to what I’m able to achieve.
  7. Money opens doors for me.
  8. I work hard and in turn, my money works hard for me.
  9. I commit to using my income to help my community and the world at large.
  10. Money fuels my purpose in life.

Taking Money Affirmations to the Next Level

Money affirmations are an essential part of acquiring wealth and becoming financially stable. However, you can’t become financially successful by simply chanting hopeful phrases over and over. Money affirmations that work instantly exist in the realm that they’ll keep you positive and motivated. However, you need to do the practical work to achieve financial success. Here are the best ways to take your finances to the next level alongside regularly meditating on 3 months’ worth of money affirmations.

Create and Stick to a Budget

If you’re serious about saving money and building wealth, you not only need to reflect on powerful affirmations for money, but you also need to budget. While nearly 3/4’s of Americans budget, that leaves nearly 25% of the population who don’t. Be part of the smart majority! Use a handy budget tracker template to help you track:

  • Your income
  • Fixed expenses such as rent/mortgage payments and student loan payments
  • Variable mandatory expenses such as grocery bills and your monthly electricity bill
  • Discretionary purchases such as takeout and restaurant dining
  • Saving and investing goals
Blog image on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a woman writing in a journal at a desk. There is a black notebook, laptop, wooden bowl and flowers on the table.
Budget your income so you can intentionally save and invest to achieve your goals.

Practice Frugal Living

While reflecting on affirmations for abundance is important frugal living is another key component in your journey to financial freedom. Just because you’re making a healthy income doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t go crazy with your spending. Frugality can help you get creative without cutting corners, reduce environmental waste and help you become a generally happier person. Below are my top favorite ways to be frugal. These frugal tips have saved me nearly $5,000 in the past five years. The extra income I’ve saved has funded trips all over the world. Plus, I was able to pay off my student loans in just four short years. Not bad, huh? Let’s get into how you can be frugal and thrifty:

Practice Frugal Grocery Shopping and Cooking

Food and cooking is a huge part of everyone’s monthly expenses. With a bit of creativity and planning ahead, you can drastically reduce your grocery bill. Do this by:

  • Creating a meal plan – write down every single meal you’ll cook for the upcoming week. Save even more by aiming to make larger portions of the same dish. This will help you save more money as you’ll be able to buy items in bulk a a cheaper price.
  • Using what you already have. Don’t toss your leftovers! Repurpose them in a new dish. Also, be sure to use canned foods before their expiry date. Always put the newest foods in the back of your freezer, fridge and cupboards first.
  • Comparing prices a different grocery stores. Use an app such as Flipp to check the price of specific products at 2-3 different stores. If they’re close to each other, pay a visit to each store. The extra time is well worth it as the savings will add up over time!
  • Meal prep and portion. Pre-cook your meals for the week and portion them into containers for each day of the week. When you have a set meal for each night, you’ll be a lot less tempted to order pizza on Tuesday instead of waiting until your set weekly pizza night on Friday!
Blog image on the Money Affirmations article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a man holding a green grocery basket and looking at tomatoes in the produce aisle.
Always meal plan, bring a grocery list to the grocery store and meal prep.

Get Free Stuff

Life costs money, but you can find stuff for cheap or free. Join a Buy Nothing group in your region. Arrange or attend a clothing swap and focus on stocking a capsule wardrobe of timeless pieces. Ask family members or friends if they have any old clothing, shoes or other household items they want to get rid of that you can put to use. So long as you aren’t being too cheap instead of frugal, finding stuff for free will save you money and also help the environment. Repurposing items that others don’t use reduces demand for producing new items in factories.

Always Be Upgrading Your Skills

In addition to finding positive affirmations about money to integrate into your life, you should always be working on your skills. Sure, you worked hard, maybe went to college or trade school and achieved a well-paying job. However, you need to face the reality that no one is entirely indispensable.

Blog image on the Money Affirmations article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a woman typing on a laptop in a brightly lit room. There are some books, a coffee cup and a pen and pencil on the desk.
Set yourself up for future success by knowing several in-demand skills and keeping up with certifications.

While you shouldn’t live in constant fear of being laid off, you should do your part to be constantly learning new skills. If you work in IT admin but also have some digital marketing skills, it’ll be a lot easier to pivot to a new gig if your current job or income source dries up. Even if you want to stay in the same field, always be attuned to your industry. Regularly attend conferences and seminars and become certified for new qualifications.

While you can’t control what may happen to your job, being proactive will help you become adaptable in this ever-changing job market. When you’re nimble and able to pivot by upgrading your skills or finding new side hustles, you’ll be able to find new ways to acquire income!

A Final Word on 100 Money Affirmations For Your Life

There are many money affirmations you can meditate on as serve as inspiration for your financial situation. Take time out of your week to reflect on a few that inspire you. Don’t forget to take action to improve your financial situation in different ways such as creating a budget, getting creative with frugality and upgrading your skills. Remember: you are worthy of and deserve financial freedom. Positive affirmations for money plus practical action = success!

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Janita is a frugal living expert and owner of Frugal Fun Finance. With over five years of personal experience finding and trying out the best ways to make and save more money, she's eager to share her knowledge. Janita's strategies have helped her save thousands of dollars for funding investments and traveling to over 20 countries.

Janita completed training in personal finance at The University of Western Ontario and McGill University, two prestigious Canadian universities. Her expertise has been shared on GoBankingRates, Yahoo Finance, and NASDAQ.com.