Featured image for the Decluttering a Garage: The Guide to Cleaner Storage Spaces article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a brightly lit garage full of personal items.

Decluttering a Garage: The Guide to Cleaner Storage Spaces

The snow has finally melted and it’s time to pull out the bikes from the garage. You open the garage door and see all the stuff you own. Suddenly, you are hit with a sense of overwhelm from piles of trash and clutter. Decluttering a garage or other major storage space in your home can help you reduce anxiety and stress every time you enter your garage, save time by not having to sift through piles of trash and clutter and can even save you money.

In this article, I’ll go over the key steps on how to declutter a garage and how to stay motivated.

Read on to learn about how to decluttering a garage.

Benefits of Decluttering Your Garage

Before reviewing the steps of decluttering a garage and how to clean your space, you’ll need to understand your why. This starts with understanding the benefits of decluttering your garage. There are three main reasons why it’s a good idea to clean out your garage:

Reason #1: Save Time

Firstly, decluttering your garage means less stuff. When your shelves aren’t stuffed to the brim with piles of junk and appliances you rarely use, you’ll save time sifting through the junk to find that garden hose or sled.

Reason #2: Reduce Anxiety and Stress

When you open the door to see a cluttered garage – or any cluttered space for that matter – how do you feel? I’m guessing the answer isn’t “relaxed” or “peaceful” – it’s most likely “anxious” or “unsettled.” Even if you don’t feel anxious or uneasy, research shows that a messy environment can contribute to feelings of tension and even depression. Even though your garage is a space you rarely enter or see on a daily basis, knowing that this space is clean will help you feel more at ease. Every time you enter the garage after having decluttering and organising, you’ll feel better about your space.

Blog image on the Decluttering a Garage: The Guide to Cleaner Storage Spaces article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a woman facing a window with her back to the camera. The woman is standing and has two hands on the back of her head. The woman is in a brightly-lit room with a computer and laptop on a desk and a shelf with boxes on it.
A cleaner space means a clearer mind and reduced anxiety and stress.

Reason #3: Save Money and Time

Did you know that a cleaner space can save money? It may not make sense initially – after all, decluttering means that you’re just getting rid of garbage and stuff you don’t use, right? Think again! When you can’t find something in your garage, say, a set of pots for your plants, you may assume that you got rid of it or threw it away. Meanwhile, those pots are hiding under a pile of old boxes from your move 3 years ago.

Since you thought you got rid of the pots, you go out to the store and buy new ones. You’ve wasted time going to the store and buying pots you don’t need!

When you organize your space, you’ll be able to see what you own and won’t spend time going to the store and money on duplicate items.

Reason #4: Give Items to Those in Need

The process of decluttering a garage not only benefits you and your family, but it can also help those in need. Don’t just throw away items you no longer need. Before tossing them in the trash, think about whether or not they’re salvageable and if someone else can us them. When you donate items to secondhand shops that are in perfectly good shape but you don’t need, families who cannot afford the retail price can buy them from the store. Additionally, most thrift stores’ profits go to a worthy community charity. Help the community and those in need!

When is the Best Time to Declutter a Garage?

During Spring Cleaning Time

Decluttering a garage can happen at any time of the year. However, the best time to clean is when the snow has melted and the weather is a little bit warmer. Add decluttering the garage into your spring cleaning routine, generally after March 20, the first day of spring. If you have other cleaning tasks and projects you want to get done first, decluttering the garage can also be done in April or May – before it gets too hot out and you’re eager to enjoy the warm summer days.

Decluttering Before a Move

Decluttering before a move is a great idea. Cleaning your space ahead of time will save you time later down the road. When the time comes to pack up your stuff, you’ll spend less time cleaning, donating and throwing away stuff you don’t need. When there’s less stuff on your plate, you’ll feel less stressed! Decluttering before moving is something everyone should do. When decluttering for a move, try to finish this task 1-2 months before you begin the packing process. This gives you some time in between to take a break between the two major tasks of decluttering and packing.

Blog image on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a yellow home with the garage door open. The garage has bicycles and other items in it.
An optimal time to clean out the garage is after the snow has melted and before it gets too hot out!

The Steps to Decluttering a Garage

Ready to declutter your garage? Here are the steps to decluttering a garage that everyone should undertake.

Step 1: Determine Your Why

Before starting the first task on your list, determine your why. What is the main reason why you want to declutter your garage? Outside of the four main reasons for decluttering a garage listed above, you’ll need to have a personal reason. It can be as simple as living a simpler lifestyle. You may have a more practical reason, such as being able to park a second vehicle in the garage or finding more storage space to park bikes instead of stuffing them in the old shed in the backyard that you’ve been dying to get rid of for ages. Choose one goal you’d really love to achieve.

Once you’ve determined your main reason for decluttering your garage, write it down on a piece of paper. Post the piece of paper in a visible area of your house. This can be your bathroom mirror, fridge or in the front hallway where you’ll see it when you walk in the house. Seeing your reason why will motivate you to keep working towards your goal!

Step 2: Begin Decluttering a Garage by Cleaning the Trash

Next, you’ll need to clean the trash out of your garage. Invest in garbage bags and bins for trash, recycling and donations. Next, go through each section of your garage section by section. A great way to do this is to go box by box or shelf by shelf. Pull out the garbage you see and throw it away.

If your garage has a lot of junk, you can hire a junk removal company. Junk removal companies can provide you with a large bin you can keep on your driveway or in your backyard. This is a great option for those who have large pieces of junk such as old lawnmowers, pieces of a shed, an old playground and wood.

Step 3: Take Everything Out of Your Garage

After having gone through each section of your garage and removing any obvious garbage, pull out all items from your garage. If you’re planning on cleaning the garage in a single day, you can move the items onto your front driveway. Think decluttering your garage is going to take longer? If you have a backyard, remove the items from your garage and move them to your backyard. Next, cover the items with a tarp to keep away any rain, heat or wind damage. If you don’t have a backyard, you may want to put the items back in the garage for the next day to prevent any potential thieves from stealing.

Step 4: Do a Deep Clean

Before sorting through your stuff, organizing it and putting it back into your garage in an organized fashion, clean the garage. First, sweep the floors and shelves of any dust and debris – be sure to get any cobwebs! Next, get a bucket and mop. Wipe down the walls and shelves. Finally, mop the floors and dry them.

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Step 5: Sort and Declutter by Category

After you’ve pulled out everything from the garage and have cleaned it, it’s time to sort through every single item you have laid out on your driveway or in the backyard. Feeling overwhelmed by the pile of stuff and think it’ll take forever? Guess what – if you spend some time getting organized, decluttering fast is a breeze.

One of the best decluttering hacks to declutter fast? Organize your stuff by category. For example, you can sort the stuff in your garage into sports equipment, lawn care, gardening, tools and more. Next, go through every single item you own and ask yourself:

  1. Do I use this item regularly or need it for a specific purpose?
  2. Is there are duplicate item for this already?
  3. Will someone else benefit from it more than me if I donate it?

After asking these questions about each item, you’ll need to determine whether to keep it, throw it away, recycle it or donate it. Place each item in their respective box or bin. If you’re keeping the item, create a designated area or ‘keep pile’ for all items you’ll put back in the garage.

Step 6: Labeling and Organizing When Decluttering a Garage

You’ve thrown away junk, donated everything you don’t need and have organized the remainder – what a great feeling! Last but not least in the steps to decluttering a garage: keeping organized. Invest in various storage containers to keep your stuff organized and together. If you have a large amount of stuff, consider investing in some metal shelves. Shelves will help you keep organized so you aren’t bending over to search in boxes.

Want to know how to organize a messy garage and keep it that way? When you put the items back that you want to keep, group each item by type. For example, if you have moving boxes, collapse them and keep them altogether. Gardening equipment should be kept together. This includes any pots, soil, watering cans and gardening spades.

Blog image on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a woman's hands holding a box with one hand and writing with a black market using her other hand.
Keep organized with labelled boxes and belongings sorted by type.

Garage Cleaning Tips for the Overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff in your garage? You aren’t alone! If you have never cleaned out your garage, it can be overwhelming to simply think about what may be hiding at the bottom of your shelves and even anxiety-inducing. Here are the top garage cleaning tips for the overwhelmed:

Do Deep Breathing and Meditation

A cliche solution to many of life’s problems, but one that cannot be overlooked: taking time for yourself to slow down. Breathing, meditation and yoga can help you clear your mind out and stay focused. Find a peaceful meditation track or 10 minute yoga routine on YouTube and stick to a routine. Even if it’s just 5 or 10 minutes a day, taking time to slow down before taking on big tasks such as decluttering a garage can help you reduce stress, remain focused and get motivated.

Blog image on the Decluttering a Garage: The Guide to Cleaner Storage Spaces article on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of the lower half a woman's body sitting on the floor and meditating.
Reduce stress with regular meditation, deep breathing and intentional breaks.

Take Regular Breaks

Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your cleaning and decluttering habits be! For every 40 minutes to an hour you spend on decluttering a garage, you should take a 15 minute break. Go sit in the sun, go for a brisk walk around the block or grab a coffee. Take some time to appreciate the simple pleasures at home. After all, in addition to feeling better, decluttering your space is all about living with less. Intentionally taking time to rest takes practice, but once you get the hang of it, it’ll become second nature.

The Benefits of Decluttering a Garage with Family or Friends

If you have a spouse or kids, enlist the assistance of your family. Accomplishing a difficult task such as cleaning the garage is great way to build family teamwork skills and bond. Set aside a Saturday to do a deep clean – or whichever day works best for you. Having trouble motivating the kids? Reward them with an ice cream or other sweet treat once you’re done!

Single or live alone? Why not ask a neighbor or friend to help out? In return, you can offer to help them with their clutter (if they have any!). At the very least, you can treat your friend to a lunch or coffee for helping you out.

Tips to Prevent Future Garage Clutter

Keep a Schedule when Cleaning and Decluttering a Garage

If you want to keep your garage clutter-free, you’ll need to make cleaning a daily habit! Set aside an hour or two twice a month on a Saturday or Sunday (maybe every other week?) to clean up any garbage, sweep and mop. Once every three months or so, set aside another hour or so to review what you own. Go through each item and decide if you still need to keep it. For example, if you never roller-blade but have a box of skates, you can likely give them away.

Committing to a Clutter-Free Lifestyle

Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life

Success is mostly mindset. This goes for anything in your life, whether it be starting a new business, mastering a new skill or building new habits. Successfully keeping a garage clutter-free means you’ll need to commit to clutter-free living in general. Commit to decluttering the rest of your home and keeping a cleaning and decluttering schedule. After you’ve made the commitment and have the right mindset, intentionally set aside time to clean regularly.

When you commit to living a clutter-free lifestyle by cleaning regularly, buying intentionally and keeping organized, the rest will fall into place.

Blog image on the Frugal Fun Finance website. Features image of a brightly-lit minimalist living room. The room has a white lamp, couch, table and dining table with two pottery pieces on it.
Commit to a clutter-free lifestyle by regularly cleaning and decluttering.

Find an Accountability Partner

Need some decluttering motivation? Find an accountability partner such as a trusted family member or friend. Take some time to meet together once a week and report on your progress towards living a clutter-free lifestyle. Even better if your family member or friend also wants to commit to this lifestyle! Encourage each other and keep each other motivated by celebrating small wins. This could mean enjoying a special lunch together after keeping the garage clean for 1 month straight.

A Final Note on Decluttering the Garage

The process of decluttering a garage or any space with lots of junk in it can be daunting. Know your reasons why, write down your goals, follow the decluttering process and commit to regular cleaning. Search Pinterest for decluttering inspiration tips to keep you motivated. Before you know it, decluttering the garage will become second nature!

Feeling motivated to keep going with your decluttering journey? Why not try at 30 day decluttering challenge where you commit to decluttering one section of your home per day? When you see how clean your space is and feel better, you won’t want to stop!

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Janita is a frugal living expert and owner of Frugal Fun Finance. With over five years of personal experience finding and trying out the best ways to make and save more money, she's eager to share her knowledge. Janita's strategies have helped her save thousands of dollars for funding investments and traveling to over 20 countries.

Janita completed training in personal finance at The University of Western Ontario and McGill University, two prestigious Canadian universities. Her expertise has been shared on GoBankingRates, Yahoo Finance, and NASDAQ.com.